Tag Archives: Arroz Con

Rice and Milk Soup

Rice and Milk Soup Recipe

By Andy Tous on RecetasPuertoRico.com

This is the classic recipe for Rice and Milk Soup, also known as milk soup by some of the locals. In Puerto Rico, we call it Sopa de Arroz con Leche (sopah deh ah-ross conn lecheh). As children, some of the grannies prepared it and made them a bit sweeter than usual for breakfast, or just to make us feel good. If you’ve ever tried, we hope it brings fond memories.

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Fried Rice (Puerto Rican)

Fried Rice Recipe

By Elizabeth Soto-Diaz on RecetasPuertoRico.com

Do you have day old, white rice leftovers and don’t know what to do with it? Don’t discard it! This Puerto Rican style fried rice recipe that Elizabeth shared with us is absolutely delicious and easy to prepare.  We have tried it and it was so good, there were no leftovers.

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Rice with Pigeon Peas

Rice with Pigeon Peas

By Andy Tous on RecetasPuertoRico.com

Any day is a good day for rice with pigeon peas (Arroz con Gandules), but nearing the holiday season, this is the ideal and most delicious companion for our traditional dishes.

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