Category Archives: Soups & Creams

Rice and Milk Soup

Rice and Milk Soup Recipe

By Andy Tous on

This is the classic recipe for Rice and Milk Soup, also known as milk soup by some of the locals. In Puerto Rico, we call it Sopa de Arroz con Leche (sopah deh ah-ross conn lecheh). As children, some of the grannies prepared it and made them a bit sweeter than usual for breakfast, or just to make us feel good. If you’ve ever tried, we hope it brings fond memories.

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Cream of Sweet Potato

Cream of Sweet Potato

By Pedro Javier Feliciano Caraballo
The puerto rican style cream of sweet potato (Crema de Batata), is a delightful dish we learn to appreciate at an early age. Delicious and very good to keep you warm and cozy on a cool or rainy day.  Another perfect side or appetizer for a holiday course. Continue reading Cream of Sweet Potato