Category Archives: Fritters

Granos de Humacao

Granos de Humacao

By Milly Suazo on

Grains from Humacao are deep fried, rice flour and cheese rolls. The name Grains (Granos) is given because they resemble the shape of enlarged rice grains and since this recipe is typical from the municipality of Humacao, Puerto Rico, hence the name “Granos de Humacao”.  Delicious and very popular, these are great very early in the morning with a nice cup of coffee.

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Traditional Alcapurria Dough

Traditional Alcapurria Dough

By Andy Tous on

This recipe explains the process to obtain the traditional alcapurria dough, made mainly with green bananas and yautia root.  The Alcapurria (Al-Ka-Poo-Ree-Ah) is an extremely popular puerto rican fritter found all over the island, sometimes made with different root vegetables. We hope you like this recipe as much as we do.

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