Puerto Rican Pepper Chicken Recipe
By Elizabeth Diaz-Soto on RecetasPuertoRico.com
If you live, lived or have ever visited the island of Puerto Rico for an extended period of time, you’d probably know about the oriental restaurants and their famous Pepper Chicken offerings, alone or with the famous fried rice combo. Elizabeth shares with us how to make this delicious recipe to prepare and savor today.
Category Archives: Poultry
Plantain Canoe
Plantain Canoe Recipe
By Andy Tous on RecetasPuertoRico.com
The combination of sweet, salty and cheese puts this plantain canoe on the top of our personal favorites. In Puerto Rico, we call this Canoa de Platano (Can-O-Ah, Deh, Plat-Ah-No). Not only delicious and easy to pair with other sides, but it is extremely easy to prepare. We can not deny that textures and flavors make it unique and spectacular.
Pavochon Marinade
Pavochon Marinade
By Andy Tous on RecetasPuertoRico.com
To add the aroma and flavor of the typical Puerto Rican roasted pork to any roasted poultry dish, we recommend this delicious pavochon marinade recipe. Make sure you marinate your bird the day before roasting. Don’t forget to add marinade between the skin and meat, by carefully separating the skin without removing it.