Puerto Rican Tembleque Recipe
By Rosa Ortiz on RecetasPuertoRico.com (photo: Andy Tous)
Tembleque (tem-bleh-keh) is a delicious coconut dessert pudding from Puerto Rico. Visually similar to the Italian panna cotta, however very different in both texture and flavor. Tembleque really means “jiggle” and after preparing this recipe, you’ll understand why.
Ingredients (12 servings)
- 4 cups coconut milk (fresh or canned undiluted)
- 1/2 cup water
- 1/4 teaspoon salt
- 3/4 cup sugar
- 1/2 cup + 2 tablespoons cornstarch 1/2
- 2 to 4 cinnamon sticks
- Cinnamon powder (to taste)
- Using a saucepan, boil the cinnamon sticks with 1/2 cup water and simmer until it makes a tea. Then remove from heat.
- In another pan, without placing it over the stove, combine 3 cups coconut milk with the cinnamon tea you just made (including the sticks), salt and sugar.
- Dissolve the cornstarch in the remaining cup of coconut milk, strain and add the rest of the mixture already in the saucepan.
- Whisk until until everything is well combined.
- Cook over moderately high heat, stirring constantly with a whisk to avoid lumps. (The original recipe recommended that moved with wooden spoon but I found that with the whisk is better.
- Beat until the mixture “curdles”.
- Reduce heat to low and cook for about five (5) minutes and do not stop stirring, now with a wooden spoon.
- Remove from heat and pour into a mold that is slightly moisten (with water) and have enough capacity to be filled completely, so it can be easily turned without breaking.
- Optionally, you can serve in smaller, individual molds (like ramekins).
- Cool completely at room temperature before placing in refrigerator (not freezer) for 15 to 30 minutes, in order to solidify.
- When cooled (ready for the jiggle), then carefully separate the edges, using a thin knife and carefully turn over a shallow dish.
- Sprinkle with cinnamon powder.
Bon appetit!

Recipe Name
Puerto Rican Tembleque
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